Sunday, June 23, 2013

Cultural Geography

The post-modern discourse has certainly given a new meaning to studies in cultural geography and cultural geography in India has become a shadow of its western incarnation. But, this branch has mostly been used as a way and approach narrating oranalyzing landscape and culture, putting aside the theoretical construction and critique ofthe philosophical ideas as popular in the West. More western scholars than Indian haveevinced interest in cultural forms, mostly of its mythical dimension. The geographical implication of cultural pluralism has hardly received any attention. While ancient Indiantraditions have been overemphasized, few talk about contemporary cultural developmentincluding globalization of culture and its impact.

Gender Issues in Geography

Integrating gender issues into geographical research has been a formidable
exercise. In spite of serious efforts made by a few enthusiastic geographers in India,
gender in geography has not achieved the heights it deserves. This is despite instances ofinclusion gender studies in the syllabi offered by a few universities. Most works in thesub-field continue to be descriptive rather than analytical. The engagement of space with
gender and vice versa remains largely glossed over by geographers. The larger researchinput into these themes has come not from geographers but sociologists or economists.
Most geographers equate site with space and sex with gender. Conspicuous by theirpaucity are studies which engage directly with the themes of gendered experience ofspace, gendered spaces and spatiality’s of gender. Limitations in the current level ofresearch notwithstanding, gender issues in geography holds an important social position
in understanding larger issues of female subordination and deprivation.

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